School Safety Patrol membership is a position of honor that has continued since 1920. Seven Bridges School AAA School Safety Patrol members are school-sponsored teacher recommended student volunteers from upper division classes. The Safety Patrollers direct children, not traffic.
As school-age leaders in traffic safety, patrol members teach other students about traffic safety on a peer-to-peer basis. They also serve as models for upper and lower school students.
Being on the School Safety Patrol has lots of benefits. Each member of the Safety Patrol at Seven Bridges School gain:
- Safety awareness.
- Leadership skills.
- Teamwork.
- Pride.
- Citizenship and community service.
- Respect for law enforcement.
Seven Bridges School benefits as well, with each member of our Safety Patrol promoting:
- Traffic safety awareness.
- Peer-to-peer communication.
- Character-building opportunities.
- A constructive outlet for student energy.
- A positive relationship with parents, law enforcement and the overall community.
And the Orange Park Community benefits as well with:
- Safer environments for pedestrians and motorists.
- A spirit of volunteerism and civic-mindedness.
- A positive collaboration between students, parents, schools and law enforcement.